Meals Served Since Inception

31st December 2024

Meals Served Since Inception

31st December 2024

They Are
The future

In Pakistan 40.2% of children under five are
currently stunted according to the National
Nutrition Survey (a prevalence considered
‘critical’ by WHO’s thresholds)


Find out about how we ensure a proper diet for these children and provide your input as well.


Head to our gallery and look at some of the images we took of these amazing children


Read our newsletters to understand how we help these children


The Fortify Education Foundation (FEF) is a not-for-profit organization based in Karachi. We, at FEF, have set out to work for the economically disadvantaged Children in Pakistan. It is our goal to contribute towards ensuring mental and physical growth of our children in schools to enable them to protect their own and their family’s future. Through our School Meal Program (SMP), we have set out to provide nutrition sensitive meals for the children who are in school to learn and achieve.


The School Meal Program (SMP) is the raison d’être for FEF. Everything that we are
presently doing or will do in the future under our banner will be built upon the
foundation of our SMP. Through this program we provide freshly cooked nutritious
meals to children in schools on every school day. Our overarching aim is to improve
the cognitive and physical health of the children. Some of the benefits of the SMP are:

  • Reducing malnutrition among children in schools
  • Prevention of classroom hunger
  • Increase in enrolment in schools
  • Increase in attendance in schools
Message from the Founder


Pakistan is considered to be the fifth largest young country in the world. Around 34% of Pakistanis
are under the age of 15. It is they who have the power to transform the future of Pakistan.
Correspondingly, it is us, the older ones, who have the responsibility to ensure that the youth can
secure theirs, their families’, and their country’s future.
What ought to be done? Invest in the health and education of our youth. It is not an either-or choice, has to be both, emphatically and in tandem.

What a News




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