Our Story
The Beginning of Our Journey
It began with a case study on combatting hunger in classrooms in India that was published in the Harvard Business Review magazine. The combater: Akshay Patra Foundation. Their weapon: mid-day meals for children in schools. They were indeed doing a great job to have attracted the attention of Harvard Business. The plight of Pakistan’s children is no different, malnourishment, poverty, squalid living, little promise, and overall haplessness. Could the ‘haves’ of Pakistan do something about it? Yes, they could. Thus, the kernel sprouted, and Fortify Education Foundation (FEF) was formed.
With some seed money, the School Meal Program was started in February 2020 at Pasban-e-Millat school in Orangi town, Karachi. The school serves the truly disadvantaged children of the metropolis. The school had upwards of 260 children on their roll when the program first started. Once there was an actual meal program running, friends and families of the founding members of the foundation chipped in with funds. The caravan had started. Others joined in and more continue to join on this journey that will, in time, take FEF to all the disadvantaged school children in the country.